Post by petepyroaer on Sept 15, 2004 17:20:05 GMT -5
((Amen. ))
Post by thegreat on Sept 16, 2004 12:02:38 GMT -5
(( Lol Kolava-san, I wouldnt tell if I were japanese or not. Please instead I ask that you simply respect my way of presenting myself. ))
Post by thegreat on Sept 16, 2004 12:29:55 GMT -5
[glow=yellow,2,300]Black tendrels of that smoke like fog now eminateing from the omnious form as it nears it's prey eyes now giveing off an even deeper azure glow that seems deeper then even the abysal plains from which many of the creatures of darkness are spawned. "Ready or not here I come......hide not for the quick only die tired." Speaking to himself in a low rumble of a voice that holds some odd significance for him at least. His overly darkened aura by this time easily felt as his slow approach towards the small kingdom has lead him to one of the far corners of RhyDin, still not there but ever closer now less then half a realm away. Takeing a moment to become lax though as the journy thus far has not been a short one nor easy on his old body. For now a slight pause would allow his stamina to regain and his body to replentish some fluids with a few gulps of a small spun glass container normally found teathered to his left side.[/glow]
Post by Tempie Mun on Sept 16, 2004 18:53:58 GMT -5
(Balls now that I am blind. ::gropes for Shari:: I can't see)
Post by Queen Solace Rayana Klojhen on Sept 16, 2004 20:56:27 GMT -5
~huggles Tempie mun~ It's alright honey, I got you. ~pets her hair~
Post by Tempest on Sept 17, 2004 5:39:35 GMT -5
::purrs as she is petted:: Me love yous. Ummm. If I am blinded for life can we get a dog?
Post by thegreat on Sept 17, 2004 11:18:40 GMT -5
(( Ahhh, Hello Tempest-san and Solace-san, am sort of wondering if anyone is actually takeing my posts seriously at the moment but good to see you both. Err, and sorray for the bright glow on my last post. ))
Post by Solace Mun on Sept 18, 2004 14:14:52 GMT -5
First of all...don't call me Solace-san...that is not my name. And that is probably the reason you are not being taken seriously. Second of all...if you want any kind of response to your posts, the first thing you should is stop with the annoying colors. If it's hard to read, no is going to pay attention. ::with that said she pets Tempie mun then scampers off::
Post by thegreat on Sept 21, 2004 9:05:29 GMT -5
(( Well Solacemun-san I was just being polite, the "-san" after ones name is a show of respect. However if you wish to not be shown respect or wish your real name to be used instead of your screen name I'll be happy to oblidge. ))
Post by thegreat on Sept 21, 2004 9:34:52 GMT -5
And so it begins again now standing at the foot of the mountains that seperate the realms of Rhydin from that of the kingdom he seems to be seeking. A mere look of anticipation while those azure eyes gaze out at the mountains beautiful splendor just admireing them for a few moments as if he'd never seen them before. Though far from that truth he had respect for such natural splendors such as the mountains or the rageing waterfalls. Now begining a slow ascention up the tall mountains it would take him at least a few weeks to make it to the plain he seeks at this pace but at least he would hold determination to get there. Always looking for something but never finding, the one thought that drives him, some of the more advanced telepaths around the kingdom might even pick up on this. And some such as Nicho would definatly be feeling this emptiness getting all the closer.